Announcing Publit

Publit is a website creation tool designed for professionals, students, writers, academics, and journalists.

On March 25th, 2020 I created a folder on my computer called publit. Only a few months of quarantine later, I am proud to announce Publit in collaboration with Midwest Design Lab.

Publit is a website builder meant for professionals, students, writers, academics, and journalists. It is a form-to-website application. This means all you do is fill out a couple of forms with your name, bio, and your works, and then have a website.

Publit Editor

Publit websites are secure by default, super fast, and look beautiful. You don't need to mess with blocks, styles, scripts, or themes. All you need to know how to do is write down information about yourself.

Especially in the current environment, it is vital that everyone have their own online presence and Publit is the perfect way to get started. We want every user of Publit to have their own special place on the internet. That's why we are offering a concierge website address service free of charge. We will navigate and handle all of the complexities of purchasing and configuring a domain so our users don't have to.

Additionally, since we are offering the most simple process for creating websites, we wanted our pricing plan to match. We offer a single plan at a single price, and any user can create their own Publit site for just $6.50 a month on the Pro plan. We also offer a discounted rate for students. Check out our pricing page to learn more about just how good of a deal this is.